How to Draw a Circle Using Turtle Python

In this Python tutorial, we will learn How to create a circle in Python Turtle and nosotros will also encompass different examples related to the Python Turtle circle. And, we will comprehend these topics.

  • Python turtle circumvolve
  • Python turtle half circle
  • Python turtle circle screw code
  • Python turtle circle spirograph
  • Python turtle circle fill colour
  • Python turtle circumvolve heart
  • Python turtle circle steps
  • Python turtle circumvolve color
  • Python turtle Inverted circumvolve
  • Python turtle circumvolve commands

Python turtle circle

In this section, we volition learn How to create a circumvolve whit the help of a turtle in Python turtle.

The circle is a round shape like a ring. In Python turtle, we can depict a circle with the help of a turtle. Turtle is working as a pen and they draw the exact shape of a circle.


In the following code, we describe a circle with the help of a turtle and the turtle gives the exact shape of a circumvolve-similar band. It is used for drawing a circumvolve with the help of a turtle.

          from turtle import * import turtle as tur    tur.circumvolve(xc)        


After running the above code we get the post-obit output in which nosotros meet a circle is fatigued with the assistance of a turtle.

Python turtle circle
Python turtle circle Output

Read How to attach an image in Turtle Python

Python turtle half circle

In section, we will acquire how to describe a half-circle with the help of a turtle in Python turtle.

The half-circumvolve is too known as a semicircle. It is formed by cutting the whole circle along with its diameter.


In the following lawmaking, we import some modules from turtle import *, import turtle as tur, and describe a half-circle with the assist of the turtle.

Turtle-Information technology is a pre-installed library that is used for creating shapes and pictures.

tur.speed(1) is used to manage the speed of the circumvolve.

tur.circumvolve(90,extent = 150) It is used for drawing half circumvolve.

          from turtle import * import turtle as tur tur.speed(one),                extent = 150)        


After running the to a higher place code nosotros get the post-obit output in which we meet a half-circumvolve is created with the aid of turtle.

Python turtle half circle
Python turtle one-half-circle Output

Read How to Create a Snake game in Python using Turtle

Python turtle circle screw code

In this department, we will learn how to create a circle spiral code in Python turtle.

A Spiral is a cylindrical coil-like structure or we can say that air current effectually a point while moving farther from a point.


In the following code, we depict a screw circumvolve with a radius =8 this spiral circle is fatigued with the assistance of a turtle.

          import turtle      tur = turtle.Turtle() r = 8  for i in range(100): + i, 35)        


Afterwards running the above lawmaking nosotros go the post-obit output in which we come across a spiral circle is drawn

Python turtle circle spiral code
Python turtle circle screw code Output

Read Draw colored filled shapes using Python Turtle

Python turtle circle spirograph

In this department, we will learn how to depict circle spirographs in Python turtle.

A spirograph is a device used for drawing different types of curves and also draw beautiful patterns which attract the user'southward centre.


In the post-obit code, we import the turtle library for drawing the required curve and set the background color as "black".Choose the color combination for colour in ('light-green', 'yellow', 'red','pink', 'blue', 'orangish','cyan'): inside this and the beautiful coloured spirograph shown on the screen.

We too draw a circle of the chosen size.

                      import turtle as tur    tur.bgcolor('blackness') tur.pensize(4) tur.speed(10)  for i in range(5):             for color in ('light-green', 'xanthous', 'red',                   'pink', 'bluish', 'orange',                   'cyan'):         tur.color(color)                              tur.left(10)            tur.hideturtle()        


After running the in a higher place code we get the following output equally we showed a beautiful colored circle spirograph is drawn.

Python turtle circle spirograph
Python turtle circle spirograph Output

Read How to describe a shape in python using Turtle

Python turtle circle fill color

In the following code, nosotros will larn how to make full color in a circle in Python turtle.

Nosotros Can fill the color with the help of tur.fillcolor() and add together any color we want in the argument to give the fashion to the shape.


In the following code, we depict a color-filled circle with the help of a pen and also manage the speed. speed(1) is a dull speed that helps the user to easily identify the shape.

  • tur.fillcolor("red") is used for set the fill color as reddish.
  • tur.begin_fill() is used to get-go the filling color.
  • is used for drawing the circle with radius.
  • tur.end_fill()is used for ending the filling of the color.
          import turtle  tur = turtle.Turtle() tur.speed(i) tur.fillcolor("crimson")  tur.begin_fill() tur.end_fill()        


After running the above code we run into the post-obit output in which we see a circle is drawn with a beautiful "crimson" color is filled inside.

Python turtle circle fill color
Python turtle circumvolve fill color Output

Read Python Turtle Colors

Python turtle circumvolve center

In this department, we volition larn about the circumvolve center in Python turtle.

The center of a circle is the point that divides the circumvolve into equals parts from the points on the edge.


In the following code, we import the turtle package from turtle import *, import turtle as tur besides draw the circle of radius 60. Radius is the distance from the center point to any endpoint.

                      from turtle import * import turtle equally tur  tur.speed(1)  tur.pensize(4)        


In the following output, we see a circle is drawn with the help of a turtle within the circle there is a center point.

Python turtle circle center
Python turtle circle center Output

Read Python Turtle Speed With Examples

Python turtle circle steps

In this section, we will learn about how to draw a circle with steps in Python turtle.

We utilise,extend=None,steps=None) for creating circle.

  • radius: Radius shows the radius of the given circle.
  • extent: It is part of a circle in degree equally an arc.
  • steps: It divides the shape of the circle in an equal number of the given footstep.


In the following code, we import turtle library from turtle import *, import turtle as tur we depict a circle of radius 150 pixels with the assist of a pen. It is used to depict a circumvolve of radius 150 pixels with the help of a pen.

          from turtle import * import turtle as tur  tur.pensize(2) tur.circumvolve(150)        


After running the above code we get the post-obit output in which we see a circle is drawn.

Python turtle circle steps
Python turtle circle steps Output

Read: Python Turtle Triangle

Python turtle circle colour

In this section, we will acquire how to modify the circumvolve colour in python turtle.

Colour is used to give the bonny wait to shape. Basically, the default color of the turtle is black if nosotros want to change the turtle color then nosotros used tur.color().


In the following code, nosotros set the background colour as black with pensize(2) and the speed of drawing a circle is speed(1). We requite ii-color to circumvolve and besides give a size for drawing circle

          import turtle as tur  tur.bgcolor('black') tur.pensize(4) tur.speed(1)   for i in range(1):       for color in ('orange', 'xanthous', ):         tur.colour(color)         tur.left(2)        


After running the above code nosotros get the following output as we see a beautiful colored circle is shown in this picture.

Python turtle circle color
Python turtle circle color Output

Also, Check: Python Turtle Fine art

Python turtle Inverted circle

In this section, we will learn how to draw an inverted circle in Python turtle.

Inverted ways to put something in an opposite position. The inverted circumvolve is drawn in a clockwise management rather than in an anticlockwise direction.


In the following code, nosotros import the turtle library for drawing an inverted circle. Turtle is a pre-installed library used to draw unlike shapes and pictures.

  • t.right(90) is used to move the turtle in right.
  • t.forward(100)is used to move the turtle in the forwarding direction after moving the right.
  • used for drawing the circumvolve of radius.
                      from turtle import * import turtle  t = turtle.Turtle() t.right(90) t.forward(100) t.left(90) t.circumvolve(-100)        


Subsequently running the in a higher place lawmaking we become the following output in which we see an inverted circle is fatigued.

Python turtle inverted circle
Python turtle inverted circle Output

Also, check: Python Turtle Square

Python turtle circle commands

In this department, we will learn how circumvolve commands work in python turtle.

The different commands are used to draw different shapes and they likewise help to motility the turtle in whatever direction. We will discuss the turtle circle command below.

  • circumvolve()-circumvolve() command is used to draw a circle shape with the aid of a turtle.
  • forward()– The forrard() control is used to motion the turtle in a forwarding direction.
  • right()– A correct() command is used to move the turtle in a clockwise management.
  • penup()– Penup() control is used for picking upwards the turtle pen.
  • pendown()-Pendown() command is used for puts downwards the turtle pen.
  • color()– colour() control is used for irresolute the color of the turtle pen.
  • shape()-Shape() control is used to give the shape to the turtle.


In the following code, we used some commands that help to make a circle. And the circle we make looks attractive.

          import turtle      tur = turtle.Turtle() tur.colour("blue")   radius = 10 due north = 10    for i in range(2, due north + 1, 2):     tur.circumvolve(radius * i)        


Later on running the above code nosotros go the following output in which we see inside an output the circle is fabricated and loop is working.

Python turtle circle command
Python turtle circle control output

As well, read:

  • Python Turtle Graphics
  • Python Turtle Hide
  • Python Turtle Background

So, in this tutorial, we discuss Python Turtle circle and nosotros take likewise covered different examples related to its implementation. Hither is the list of examples that we have covered.

  • Python turtle circle
  • Python turtle half circle
  • Python turtle circle spiral code
  • Python turtle circumvolve spirograph
  • Python turtle circle fill color
  • Python turtle circle center
  • Python turtle circle steps
  • Python circumvolve color
  • Python turtle Inverted circle
  • Python turtle circle commands


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